FEE FREE Chemical Card Plus
Online, Face to Face and Distance Ed options!

FEE FREE Chemical Card Plus <br> Online, Face to Face and Distance Ed options!

13 Apr, 2022

We are now offering our Chemical Card Plus training in four different delivery options. Online self paced, an online group class (similar to face to face training but without having to leave home!), face to face or a distance education pack. FEE FREE for eligibile NSW participants!

The training will cover two nationally accredited units:

AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases

AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals

We have a number of up-coming courses, so please complete the expression of interest form below and we will contact to you to confirm the details.

We will then apply for funding to fully subsidise the course fee for eligible participants who are living or working in NSW, there is a range of funding streams so please complete all information on the form below.

  • you are aged 15 years or older and have left school,
  • live or work in New South Wales,
  • are an Australian citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen)

For participants from other states please contact us for alternate enrolment options.

Yes   No
Phone   Email
Online group
Face to Face
Face to Face - Moss Vale - 27 February - with John Sanderson
Face to Face - Ulladulla - 06 March - with John Sanderson
Face to Face - Murrumbateman - 13 March - with John Sanderson
Face to Face - Liston - 04 April - with Dave Worsley
Face to Face Other - suggest a location in the comments box
Self Paced Online
I'd prefer the individual self paced online course
Distance Education
I'd prefer a distance education pack
Yes   No
Hold down the Ctrl (windows) or Command (Mac) button to select multiple options.