Chemical Card Plus

Chemical Card Plus is designed for farmers to meet the requirements for on farm chemical use.

Chemical Card Plus provides AQF3 level accreditation for pesticide users, the level recommended for unsupervised application of pesticides.

It includes:

  • AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals
  • AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases

This course meets the requirements to apply for the:

  • ACUP in Victoria
  • ACDC in Queensland (also requires AHCPMG301 Control Weeds, available from RuralBiz Training for $150 (GST exempt).

Course Cost:

Fully subsidised for eligible NSW participants.

Online Self paced, Distance Education, Online Groups: $300 (GST exempt).

Face-to-Face courses: $325 pp (GST exempt).

This training periodically attracts funding from the NSW Government for farmers in NSW.

The current funding cycle is now closed. News about future subsidies for training will be advertised on our webpage and our newsletter - sign up here to get notified

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We offer this course in four delivery modes.  Choose and enrol in the delivery that suits you!

If you provide evidence that you have successfully completed AQF3 chemical accreditation in the last 6 years, your previous learning is recognised through reduced assessment evidence requirements.

Initials - are people who are doing their chemical accreditation either:

  • for the first time, or
  • more than 6 years since the last you obtained your chemical card accreditation

Refreshers - have completed their accreditation previously and their card is not out of date by more than 12 months.  You need to be able to provide a copy of your current card and have a third-party statement completed.


The course consists of an introduction and 6 topics.  The first 5 topics have a content package and a quiz, and the last review topic is a quiz based on a case study.  Your enrolment period is 30 days.

Initials are to complete and submit the following:

  • 7 quizzes in this course - completed to pass rate (90% or better).  Feedback from each quiz will let you know if you have satisfactorily completed it or need to redo it.
  • Records - completion of the records, risk assessment and incident report forms provided in this course for a farm with which you are familiar.
  • Photo collection - for the farm used in the records samples.

Refreshers are to complete and submit the following:

  • 7 quizzes in this course - completed to pass rate (90% or better).  Feedback from each quiz will let you know if you have satisfactorily completed it or need to redo it.
  • Copy of your previous chemical accreditation card or certificate showing you have completed this training within the past 6 years of the date of enrolment in this course.
  • Records - complete application records, risk assessment and incident report forms provided in this course for a farm or enterprise familiar to you.
  • Third party statement - template to be completed and signed by a person who has observed you working with chemicals (see list of suitable referees on statement form)
    OR you may submit the photo collection in lieu of the 3rd party statement.

**Please note your registration is not confirmed until we have received your enrolment form/participant registration. If you are unsure as to whether you have completed it yet or not – please contact our office on 02 6884 8812 or email 



(Approximately 5 hours at home study + 1 day online workshop)

This course covers the following nationally accredited units:

  • AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds, and diseases
  • AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals.

It also covers the requirements for on farm fumigation and use of 1080. 

What to expect:

  • You will receive a hardcopy Chemical Card Plus workbook and Manual to complete.
  • You will receive a USB to upload photos to
  • Prior to the online group class date, you will be required to complete at home study (up to 5 hours) in your own time before beginning the online group class. 
  • Completing the at home study before the workshop is essential, ensuring the trainer has enough time to teach the rest of the course content on the online class date.
  • The class typically runs from 9am-4pm with a break. 
  • The class usually consists of about 15 participants + the trainer. 
  • You will work through the workbook and assessment during class
  • Initial students will need to take photos of your chemical storage, PPE, spill kit etc. and upload them to the USB provided – you will send this to your trainer when you send them your completed workbook.   You will also need to complete a practical activity using a knapsack sprayer (a 5-litre garden sprayer is suitable).   Refreshers are able to skip this section by completing the third-party statement requirements.
  • You will mail your completed workbook to the trainer’s address provided.
  • Once you are marked competent, the office will proceed with finalising your accreditation. 

What you need:

  • This course uses our online meeting room platform, Blackboard accessed via a link that will be emailed to you (similar to programs like Zoom)
  • You will need good internet access
  • Microphone & sound setup on your computer
  • You may use video (however not essential)
  • Smart phone/camera or similar to take photos for practical component

**Please note your registration is not confirmed until we have received your enrolment form/participant registration. If you are unsure as to whether you have completed it yet or not – please contact our office on 02 6884 8812 or email 



    (Approximately 5 hours at home study + 1 day face-to-face workshop)

    This course covers the following nationally accredited units:

    • AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
    • AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals.

    It also covers the requirements for on farm fumigation and use of 1080. 

    What to expect:

    • You will receive a hardcopy Chemical Card Plus workbook and Manual to complete.
    • Prior to the face-to-face date, you will be required to complete at home study (up to 5 hours) in your own time before arriving. 
    • The at home study is essential, ensuring the trainer has enough time to teach the rest of the course content on the face-to-face day.
    • The face-to-face day typically runs from 9am-4pm with a morning tea and lunch break. 
    • You will finish the workbook, work through the practical demonstrations/components and finally, complete your assessment. 

    **Please note your registration is not confirmed until we have received your enrolment form/participant registration. If you are unsure as to whether you have completed it yet or not – please contact our office on 02 6884 8812 or email 


    • 19 September in Glen Innes with Dave Worsley
    • 20 September in Goulburn with John Sanderson
    • 27 September in Bega with John Sanderson
    • 25 October in Moss Vale with John Sanderson
    • 31 October in Batemans Bay with John Sanderson
    • Contact us to request a course near you! 02 6884 8812


     This course covers the following nationally accredited units:

    • AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
    • AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals.

    It also covers the requirements for on farm fumigation and use of 1080. 

    What to expect:

    • You will receive a hardcopy Chemical Card Plus workbook and Manual to complete.
    • You will receive a USB to upload photos to
    • You are essentially working through the workbook on your own with the help of the manual – however if at any time you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact our office on 02 6884 8812 and we can ask one of our chemical trainers to contact you.
    • You will need to take photos of your chemical storage, PPE, spill kit etc. and upload them to the USB provided – you will send this to your trainer when you send them your completed workbook.  You will also need to complete a practical activity using a knapsack sprayer (a 5-litre garden sprayer is suitable).  Refreshers are able to skip this section by completing the third-party statement requirements.
    • You will mail your completed workbook to the trainer’s address provided.
    • Once you are marked competent, the office will proceed with finalising your accreditation. 
    • It is likely to take you approximately 12 hours to complete the course requirements as an initial student.  A little less as a refresher.