
Certificate IV in Agribusiness

Course Details

This course is designed to build your agribusiness skills and knowledge, making it ideal for farm workers, agribusiness service employees and individuals aiming to advance their agribusiness knowledge. The course focuses on developing the skills required to effectively manage a farm business operation and/or progress the student's career and employment opportunities within the agribusiness sector. While there are no specific prerequisites, certain entry requirements must be met, as outlined below.

  • Course Information
    • Our courses are self-paced and online, allowing you the flexibility to choose when you complete your study and at what pace you move through your units.
    • You will need to base your course work on a farm you have access to. Tasks will vary but may include activities such as researching and testing soils, reviewing your farm’s workplace health and safety (WHS) practices, budget planning, and more.
    • The standard duration of each unit is 8 weeks, however extensions of up to an additional 8 weeks per unit are available to help accommodate peak production cycles on your farm, and your busy schedule.
    • We will help customise your training plan so your qualification is appropriate to your enterprise, experience and learning goals.
    • For each unit you enrol in, you will also participate in an online discussion group known as an AgForum. These are a great opportunity to share experiences and learn from other students across Australia.
    • We recommend you allow 8-10 hours per week for your studies. However this estimate may vary depending on your existing skills and knowledge, the pace at which you process information and the specific requirements of each unit.

    Download our Student Handbook for more detail on the course structure.

    Student Handbook


    Farm access

    This course requires you to have reliable, regular and ongoing access to a commercial farm. A commercial farm is defined as one which operates in a business-like manner and is likely to make a profit in an average season. This commercial farm or horticulture business will be the basis for completing your assessment tasks and you will need to demonstrate your understanding of the unit content by applying it specifically to your enterprise.

    Your chosen farm must:

    • Operate as a business for profit.
    • Be of a commercial scale to facilitate the application of learning to, and the collection of information from, for assessment tasks.
    • Include agricultural enterprises such as commercial crops or livestock.
    • Be located close to where you live, allowing you to be physically present regularly (e.g. weekly).
    • Provide you with details of past production, management processes, costs, prices, etc.

    If you are not involved in the farm business, RuralBiz Training may ask you to provide contact details for the owner or manager to verify your access to the farm.

    Prior Education and Literacy Requirements

    The Certificate IV in Agribusiness is suitable for applicants who have existing knowledge and skills in agriculture and can meet a number of other requirements as listed below.

    • Completion of Year 10 or equivalent with agricultural experience gained from studies, work, or engagement with a family farm, OR
    • have completed a related Certificate III level course, regardless of your Year 10 completion status, OR
    • have completed at least one full year of full-time farm experience, regardless of your Year 10 completion status.
    • Completion of a language, literacy and numeracy assessment during the enrolment process to demonstrate sufficient capacity to undertake the course.
    • Completion of a pre-enrolment review to assess suitability for the course. Applicants under 18 years of age will require parental consent to undertake this qualification.

    IT Requirements

    You will need to have access to a computer with at least Windows 10, Word, Excel, Adobe Reader and satellite broadband internet connection or similar. If you have a Mac computer, you will be asked to use MS Office for Mac, or to export documents to a MS Office compatible file.

    Basic computer skills such as the use of internet, email, and basic word processing skills are required.


    Our trainers and assessors are highly qualified, experienced industry professionals, and experts in their field. Many of them manage their own farm businesses or offer various agricultural services to farmers as well as participate in regular professional development. They are committed to best practice and helping you to maximise your learning experience.

    Click here for more about the RuralBiz Training trainers.


    Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a process that acknowledges the experience and skills you have gained through previous work or study. This means you may receive recognition without needing additional training.

    If you have completed accredited training in the past, you might be eligible for direct credit transfer (CT). Contact us if you believe this applies to you.

  • Units

    The Certificate IV in Agribusiness requires the completion of 12 units of competency made up of:

    • Three (3) core units;
    • Nine (9) elective units.

    Elective units must ensure the integrity of the qualification's Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome. The electives are to be chosen as follows:

    • at least 7 units from the elective list
    • up to 2 units from this or any other endorsed Training Package or Accredited Course.
      Units available by training are listed below. Availability of particular units will depend on the timing of your enrolment and progression through the course. Students may choose any combination of units which meet their needs and conform to qualification packaging rules.

      All units in the Certificate IV in Agribusiness listed on training.gov.au are available by RPL.

      AHC41024 Certificate IV in Agribusiness

      Core Units 
      AHCAGB405Analyse and interpret production data
      AHCAGB406Keep financial records for primary production business
      AHCWHS402Maintain work health and safety processes

      Elective Units
      AHCAGB302Keep production records for a primary production business
      AHCBUS406Administer finance, insurance and legal requirements
      AHCBUS407Cost a project
      AHCBUS408Operate within a budget framework
      AHCBUS512Develop and implement family business structures and relationships
      AHCWRK409Supervise work routines and staff performance
      BSBCMM411Make presentations
      BSBLDR413Lead team effectiveness
      BSBOPS403Apply business risk management processes

  • Cost

    The cost of this course will vary based on the availability of state subsidies and your eligibility.
    For a summary of our current course fees and available subsidies, please click here or contact our office for more details.


    Payment plan

    Want to make smaller, regular payments throughout your course?

    The payment plan option consists of establishing a direct debit for payments deducted weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly from your nominated bank account or credit card, across the duration of your enrolment. There is a $13.64 establishment fee and an administration charge (Amex, Debt Collection: 5.5% or Direct Debit: 4.5%) on all payment plans. The establishment fee is paid in your first instalment and the administration fee becomes part of your scheduled deduction. Payment plans are administered by DebitSuccess – www.debitsuccess.com.au

    Up front payment

    Individual students can pay up to $1,500 of their course fee up-front. An employer or organisation  can pay up to 100% of a student's course fee up-front if they are an employee or member of the organisation.

  • Delivery


    You will use our online learning platform, RuralBiz Online, to study at your own pace and at times that suit you. The platform offers a variety of resources, including interactive content, videos, quizzes, forums, and links to additional useful websites.

    • Any required textbooks will be mailed to you at the begining of each unit.
    • If your unit requires specific software, a license for this will be provided to you for the duration of that unit.
    • There are no exams or residence schools, instead you will upload your assessments and receive feedback directly from our expert trainers.

    Your assessment tasks are designed to help you apply your learning directly to your own farm. Often, you will create valuable resources for ongoing use in your business, such as an e-Farm Plan that can be easily updated, or business, cropping, or livestock plans.

    Past students have found that they continue to use and adapt these plans well after they have completed their qualification.

    You will also participate in an AgForum for each unit—an online discussion where you can engage with other students about current issues in agriculture. AgForums are a great opportunity to network with peers from across Australia and share information. They also serve as one of the ways we assess your speaking and listening skills.


    At enrolment, we work with you to design an individual training plan that meets your needs and adheres to the course requirements, allowing you to complete your course within the 2-year time frame, or sooner, if you want to progress more quickly.

    We understand that farmers have busy periods throughout the year depending on their location and type of farming. Additionally we recognise that personal issues may require some students to take breaks during their course. If you find that you are unable to keep to your training plan, you can discuss adjustments with your guardian angel and make any necessary changes.

    If you find you are unable to keep to your training plan, you can talk to your guardian angel and amend it as needed.

    Remember, we’re here to support you and make your study experience as manageable as possible!

  • Benefits

    Enrol with RuralBiz Training to enjoy these benefits:

    • Flexible learning: Self-paced online study that fits with your life and works around peak production times like harvest.
    • Training is delivered to you: Accessible wherever you have internet access.
    • Nationally recognised and accredited qualifications: Credentials that are recognized across the country.
    • No travel time or travel costs: Save time and money with no need for travel.
    • Practical learning: Relevant to your farm enterprise.
    • Industry approved training: Training that meets industry standards and expectations.
    • Access to top trainers: Learn from trainers who are experienced farmers themselves.
    • Personal Guardian Angel: Dedicated support throughout your training.
    • Continuity of training: Continue your studies even if you’re travelling, affected by floods or faced with any other unexpected circumstances.
    • Online assessments: Submit all assessments online.
  • Pathways


    Upon completing this qualification, you may pursue additional training opportunities, including:

    These qualifications could then lead to:


    Employment pathways from this qualification include, but are not limited to:

    • Agribusiness administrator
    • Farm supervisor 
    • Farm team leader