Ebony Barnes

Name: Ebony Barnes

Age: 18

Location: Muresk Institute, WA, On Campus student

Course(s) Studied: Diploma of Agriculture

What have you loved about the course? 

I’ve loved the people I’ve met and the life long friends that I’ve made. I’ve also loved the lectures and the huge help they’ve been in teaching us a great deal in a short amount of time. The field trips has definitely been a high light as well as we got to go to so many different places that usually we can’t get into to, we also had many different people from a variety of fields come speaks to us. 

Would you recommend the course? 

Yes, I 100% recommend the course to anyone that wants to learn a lot or a little bit in any area. I especially encourage school leavers to do this course because it gives you much life experience in thinking practically about farming and living away from home and getting out of your comfort zone.

How has the course helped with uni/jobs?

The course has given me a great stepping stone to getting into uni without ATAR qualifications but still getting a large amount of knowledge. It has taught me about the theoretical  side of Ag in how crops grow, to genetics and soil health, as well as the practical side of Ag and how to implement breeding strategies, maintaining soil health and grazing crops according to growth stages. 

Helped improve skill level?

It has greatly helped in improving my skill levels by showing me how to think in the practical side of applying the things we learn in class onto a working farm. It has also shown me so many different areas of the industry we wouldn’t get to see and with that comes opportunity’s to work in those fields.

Anything specific you have implemented/going to as a result of the training? 

I would say it taught me how to implement the theory work into practical systems that improve the farm work load and flow. It has also shown me how important relationships are in the industry because there has been so many people we’ve met in class and then gone on to see at fields days etc and keeping a good relationship with them is key as we never known when we’re going to need their experience/expertises.