What our students say:

Darcie-Lee Ashton

Darcie-Lee Ashton, 2024

“As a long-term resident of North-West Queensland, I am keen to build my skills and knowledge so I can continue to positively contribute to the gro...

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Rhiannon Sandford

Rhiannon Sandford, 2024

“Growing up watching mum on the farm, it embedded in me a deep respect for the role of farmers in land management, and the belief that farmers dese...

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Joseph Devries

Joseph Devries, 2023

I studied the Diploma of Agribusiness Management with RuralBiz in 2021/2022 which enabled me to expand my skills and knowledge of how an agricultur...

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Chelsea Hartwig

Chelsea Hartwig, 2023

I am now in my third year of a Bachelor of Agricultural Production and Management at UNE in Armidale.

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James Scott

James Scott, 2023

I would encourage anyone to consider the diploma as an addition to their education and personal development as it has proved to be an extremely val...

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Lisa Shepherd

Lisa Shepherd, 2023

The course has challenged me to think outside my normal administrative mindset and at times I have wanted to just withdraw. But the staff at Rural ...

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James Heinjus

James Heinjus, 2023

I have found my studies to be a excellent help to my career as the content is a lot more Farm focused than other ag related courses. 

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Amy Smith

Amy Smith, 2022

Studying through RuralBiz has given me a chance to follow my dream and has enabled me to study whilst still being home on the farm as well as still...

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Andrew Knight

Andrew Knight, 2022

My learning program was super flexible with large extensions being easily available for the busier times of the year, allowing me to get out into t...

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Bianca Blyth

Bianca Blyth, 2022

This diploma has taught me so much about running a business. 

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Madeline Molino

Madeline Molino, 2022

I just finished my Diploma of Agriculture with Rural Biz Training and I'm grateful for the range of units they had to offer me to suit my job ...

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Toby Cooke

Toby Cooke, 2022

 I also enjoyed the ag forum’s and having a few laughs with people from all over Australia.

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Rhys Warren

Rhys Warren, 2022

I have just completed the Diploma of Agribusiness Management and found this course very thought provoking and worthwhile.

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Kaylie Simpfendorfer

Kaylie Simpfendorfer, 2022

I'm thoroughly enjoying my studies! Looking forward to finishing up this year. And I'm definitely using what I'm learning in my job, I actually jus...

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Amy Johnston

Amy Johnston, 2022

I'm from the Wimmera Mallee. I am studying a Diploma of Agriculture. I work full time in Grains and my partner Jake and I run a few hundred sheep i...

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Emily Probitts

Emily Probitts, 2022

I have always had an interest in pursuing a career in agriculture but I didn’t know where to start. 

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Tiffany Beddie

Tiffany Beddie, 2022

I have thoroughly enjoyed expanding my knowledge through my training with RuralBiz. I have learnt a lot that will help me with better decision-maki...

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Kayla Faulkner

Kayla Faulkner, 2022

Ruralbiz has been an incredibly supportive and caring training institution to complete a Diploma of Agriculture through. They understand that life ...

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Ainsley Walker

Ainsley Walker, 2022

“My goals are to improve my knowledge and skills regarding agriculture, focusing on both good quality beef and seedstock production. This course wi...

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Dalton Cox

Dalton Cox, 2022

Studying online with Rural Biz has given me the opportunity to learn from both my work and study with ease through the great support and flexibilit...

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Julie Emerson

Julie Emerson, 2021

“Born and bred on the Northern Beaches, no experience with being on the land. But we have both always loved the land.”

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Helen Hunt

Helen Hunt, 2021

“Starting a Diploma of Agriculture has given me confidence in my skills, intelligence and my ability to speak to a group of people” which was somet...

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Leah Wilkinson

Leah Wilkinson, 2021

The training I received from the Diploma of Horticulture has been exceptional. I feel confidant giving horticultural advice to my clients.  

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Angus Tomlinson

Angus Tomlinson, 2021

"I like Ruralbiz Training as they are very flexible and look at a variety of agricultural methods that are relevant to me"

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Aimee Tyson

Aimee Tyson, 2021

“Ruralbiz Training has been a big part of helping me to further my career in agriculture as the things you learn in the books are put into practice...

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Shaelyn Van Brecht

Shaelyn Van Brecht, 2021

“The flexibility has made it easier for me to complete my Diploma while working full-time and being a mum”

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Molly Gibson

Molly Gibson, 2021

Studying has been amazing and has lead me to meeting so many great people and open me up to all the different sectors of the agriculture industry.

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James Scott

James Scott, 2021

I'm hoping to escalate our fruit and hay production off of our current ground. So I enrolled in the diploma to see what we could do off of our grou...

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Ross and Janice Brewer

Ross and Janice Brewer , 2021

This Faecal Worm Egg Count Course has been of immense value to us in a very short period of time. The training provided by Dave was excellent. We h...

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Ebony Barnes

Ebony Barnes, 2021

The course has given me a great stepping stone to getting into uni without ATAR qualifications but still getting a large amount of knowledge. It ha...

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Harry Tomlinson

Harry Tomlinson, 2021

“Being able to move around and undertake a Diploma has been great for me. RuralBiz Training was the best study option for me, and I would recommend...

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Tracy Eki

Tracy Eki, 2021

Tracy Eki first studied with RuralBiz Training under the PNG Australia Awards program in 2017. In 2021 Tracy joined RuralBiz in Armidale to complet...

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Leigh Marsden

Leigh Marsden, 2021

Dive right in! I wanted a course that was practical but would help me develop both production and farm business skills. When I came across the Dest...

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Lillian Reardon

Lillian Reardon, 2021

I have found the Diploma of Agribusiness course to be extremely helpful and interesting. I don't think there is a unit where I haven't learnt somet...

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Bessie McGaffin

Bessie McGaffin, 2020

I really enjoyed the training with RuralBiz because the course work is so relevant and practical – you get hands on experience with skills that you...

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Jess Nottle

Jess Nottle, 2019

I did my research looking for a respectable training provider and come across Rural Biz Training. I was mainly looking to complete a Diploma level ...

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Pauline ONeill

Pauline ONeill, 2018

While doing the training I realised how much I didn't know! It has opened up a lot of information and knowledge. I have already put major changes i...

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Peter & Amanda Mahy

Peter & Amanda Mahy, 2018

With every unit we complete, a new aspect is always being added and considered when looking at the entire operation from a holistic viewpoint.

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Lesley Pyecroft

Lesley Pyecroft, 2017

I love that I can fit study into my busy schedule and the courses have given me the confidence to make decisions that improve our farm productivity...

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Darcy Dayes

Darcy Dayes, 2017

I have grown up on small acreage just outside Emerald QLD. My father is a mustering pilot so we often go out to larger properties and help muster a...

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Greg Brow

Greg Brow, 2017

The training was helpful for me particularly when it came to understanding different views of farming, my father is very much based on his previous...

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Anonymous, 2013

I enjoyed the online feature, it is just like being in a group but you get to stay at home.

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Anonymous, 2013

The online refresher course has several advantages including not leaving home, price and up to date knowledge

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Anonymous, 2013

Used the latest technology training methods which was good learning in itself

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Anonymous, 2013

Excellent training, can now go home and put into use and hopefully effectively control worm problems

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Jeff Caldbeck

Jeff Caldbeck, 2013

RuralBiz has been so accommodating with me and I would recommend them to anyone

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John Jones

John Jones, 2013

It's probably one of the most potent forces in the central west region in Rural Business assistance

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Bill Wilson

Bill Wilson, 2013

A lot of people don't realise you've got the skills... RPL is recognising work you've done.

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Glen Andreazza

Glen Andreazza, 2013

I would recommend it to everyone especially as you can use the skills you have learnt while working.

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Hugh Richard

Hugh Richard, 2013

I developed a whole farm plan for the property I was working on and they are still using it

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Linden Ross

Linden Ross, 2013

The distance training showed me it is possible to study and work at the same time.

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Lindsay George

Lindsay George, 2013

I have now managed to fulfil my goal by taking on the position of Asset Manager.

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Lynette Dunn

Lynette Dunn, 2013

It keeps you in line with current practices and helps to further educate you in the things you do daily.

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Lynton and Dianne Pratt

Lynton and Dianne Pratt, 2013

RuralBiz has opened up a new world of learning and experience for us, which has been invaluable.

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Meredith Wright

Meredith Wright, 2013

Gave us a clear idea on how to look at the bookwork and see where the farm was going.

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Mike Beale

Mike Beale, 2013

Not being a full-time farmer, I've gained a lot more knowledge through RuralBiz Training.

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Nano Moody

Nano Moody, 2013

I loved the flexibility, being able to do the study when I had time because I've got a pretty hectic schedule.

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Neil Davis

Neil Davis, 2013

It was a dream come true to swap city living for cattle trading and pasture management.

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Paulette Davis

Paulette Davis, 2013

We’ve now got more systems in place which is making it a lot easier for us to keep track.

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Peter Robertson

Peter Robertson, 2013

The hardest thing is to find time when you are really busy but RuralBiz is very flexible.

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Phil Laughton

Phil Laughton, 2013

The farm mapping was great in helping me establish what I have got and where it is.

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Rob Anderson

Rob Anderson, 2013

It has made me stop and analyse my decisions, generating a more thorough outcome.

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Shirley Kennedy

Shirley Kennedy, 2013

It was scary to find myself having to keep track of the finances for a business that I wasn’t an owner of.

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Simon Turnbull

Simon Turnbull, 2013

The convenience of being able to hop off the tractor and walk into the office and be in a virtual classroom.

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Stella Klepper

Stella Klepper, 2013

I think it is imperative to keep on learning and with this type of delivery it makes it easy.

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Stephen Heycox

Stephen Heycox, 2013

A couple of times I've asked people to contact RuralBiz, they are very good to get along with.

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Steven McAlister

Steven McAlister, 2013

I was learnt more about the bookwork, the research side of farming and other business aspects.

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