Congratulations to Katie Robertston from Dalby in Queensland for winning first place in this year’s calendar photo competition. Katie is the proud recipient of a $750 pre-paid Visa Gift Card...
Catch up on all the latest news from our October newsletter!2025 RuralBiz Training ScholarshipsNational Agriculture Day - 15 NovemberSpotlight on Damon MurphyTell us your stories - positive employment outcomesJodie Nolan -...
2025 RuralBiz Training Scholarships Are you wanting to advance your agricultural knowledge and skills to the next level? Are you seeking to prepare yourself for more career opportunities or improve...
I'm from the Wimmera Mallee. I am studying a Diploma of Agriculture. I work full time in Grains and my partner Jake and I run a few hundred sheep in our “spare time” RuralBiz Training's flexible online options mean I can fit study in around work, the farm and life!
- Amy Johnston, 2022
Increase your profitability and improve your resilience. Take this opportunity to learn new skills with other farmers. Choose your course and talk to us to get started!